Chancellor's Budget Update: Nov. 20, 2023

Last month, 六合彩网上投注app hosted the first in-person budget forum since 2020. At this forum, Vice Chancellor Julie Queen, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Anupma Prakash, and Director of Financial Aid Ashley Munro gave updates on the FY24 budget outcomes, the current FY25 budget status, and opportunities for engagement. If you were unable to attend, a recording of the event is available . The following is an update of the topics discussed at the forum as well as information on how you as a 六合彩网上投注app employee can get involved in the budget process.

Continue reading the Chancellor's Nov. 20 Budget Update.


Budget advocacy resources

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Budget feedback

Please use the assets on this page to understand the state and the university budget. We welcome your engagement via the form below. Ideas can be anything from a new service on campus, process improvement, new research or innovation. All ideas are welcome. Your name and email are optional, but please include your email if you would like a response.