Gallery of Alaska

A hand next to several small artifacts, with the words "Stories of Our State: The Gallery of Alaska."


Stories of Alaska

The current Gallery of Alaska was installed in 1980, with minimal improvements since.

In the intervening years, Alaska, the world, and our understanding of it have changed.

PROTECTING OUR TREASURES: Redesign of gallery casework and mounting techniques is critical for the sustained life of the collections. Existing casework and exhibit furniture were designed in the late 1970s. Since then, preventive conservation has advanced dramatically.

There are many new stories to be told.

GOA Casework
A display case with a moosehide dress, beaded items, and coiled baskets.

Why will this gallery be unique in the state of Alaska?

The UAF Museum of the North is uniquely situated to offer the public the best exhibits on Alaska, because we have the largest collections in the state — and in some cases the world — of Arctic and Subarctic plants, animals, paleontology, archaeology, art, film, ethnology, and history.

With more than 2.5 million specimens and artifacts, we have important stories to tell about Alaska. Our faculty curators and affiliated scientists conduct research on these collections, allowing new interpretations that are both educational and engaging. As we plan our renovation, we will meet with numerous constituents — Alaska Native groups, state and local residents, families, children, visitors, educators — to discover what they want to learn from our collections. By visiting exhibit prototypes installed in our special exhibits spaces, these consultants will become partners, ensuring that the renovated Gallery of Alaska will be truly community-developed.


For more information about supporting this project, contact:

Aelin Allegood