OGCA Pre-Award Shared Drive


To gain access to the OGCA Pre-Award Shared Drive for your unit, please download and complete the access form. Once the user signs, please scan and email to 六合彩网上投注app-OGCA-PreAward@alaska.edu.

IMPORTANT: In the field for the drive path, under where it says "\\uaf-c3.apps.ad.alaska.edu\OGCA-Pre-Award_Shared\", you must replace "\xxx" with your unit's folder name from the list below (e.g. "IAB", "INE", etc.). Note that since CIS campuses are nested within the CIS folder, you would need to use "CIS\CIS-BBC" for "xxx", as an example. If you are unsure what the name of your folder on the drive is, please contact OGCA Pre-Award staff.

In addition, the value you entered for your unit in the path name also needs to be entered in the Other comment field where it says "OGCA_xxx" (e.g. "OGCA_IAB").

Forms received that do not have these values correctly entered will delay processing with OGCA and OIT.

Mapping the Shared Drive


  1. Go to "My Computer".
  2. Click on "Map Network Drive".
  3. In the Drive list, choose a desired drive letter.
  4. In the folder box, enter "\\uaf-c3.apps.ad.alaska.edu\OGCA-Pre-Award_Shared\xxx", where "xxx" equals the value of your unit's full folder name from the list below (e.g. "IAB", "INE", etc.). Note that since CIS campuses are nested within the CIS folder, you would need to use "CIS\CIS-BBC" for "xxx", as an example.
  5. Select "Reconnect at logon" if you wish the drive to show up each time you log in to the computer.
  6. Click "Finish".

Mac OSX:

  1. In Finder, click on "Go --> Connect to Server".
  2. Under "Server Address", enter "smb://uaf-c3.apps.ad.alaska.edu/OGCA-Pre-Award_Shared/xxx", where "xxx" equals the value of your unit's full folder name from this list (e.g. "IAB", "INE", etc.). Note that since CIS campuses are nested within the CIS folder, you would need to use "CIS/CIS-BBC" for "xxx", as an example.
  3. Click "Connect"
  4. If prompted, enter your username as "ua\username", where "username" equals your UA username, and enter your UA password.

Document and Folder Naming Conventions